News & events
AgroGrIN Tech have being growing from an idea to a startup. The growth was supported by participation in several national and international events, which allowed the connection with different institutions, incubators and acceleration programs.
Há uma nova dieta que promete robalos e douradas mais saudáveis em Portugal
Projecto Pep4Fish 2023
Proyecto Pep4Fish: hidrolizados de proteínas animales para mejorar la calidad de los piensos para lubina y dorada
Mispeces 2023
Pep4Fish quer peixes de aquacultura mais resistentes e com dietas mais amigas do ambiente
Green Savers 2023
Second edition of WomenTechEU supports 134 female-led deep-tech companies with an increased budget of 10 million euro
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) 2023
“A ideia é tornarmo-nos tão impertinentes para os grandes que eles nos queiram.”
UPTEC 2023
Estas são as sete startups nacionais lideradas por mulheres no Women TechEU
Sapo 2023
MassChallenge Switzerland Announces 2023 Early-Stage Accelerator Program Cohort
MassChallenge Switzerland 2023
She Loves Tech is the world’s largest acceleration platform for women and technology
She Loves Tech 2023 #SouthernEurope
Meet the finalists of the 2023 Startup Innovation Challenge
Vitafoods Europe 2023
AgroGrIN Tech has been participated in different entrepreneurship programs and in some of them it was awarded/granted by its innovative idea:

Global Food Ventures
financial supported by EIT Food, in 2018.

Climate launchpad
financial supported by EIT Climate KIC, July 2019.

Innovators Fellowship
financial supported by EIT Food, in 2019.

Born from knowledge
Ideas program – financial supported by ANI, October 2019, 1st place in the category of “Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change”

Circular for good (C4G)
financial supported by the Environmental Fund of the Ministry of Environmental and Energy, October 2019 to January 2020.
Granted with a high-level entrepreneurship training in USA, especially from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University.

EIT Climate-KIC
Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) – Financial supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.
Grant of € 25, 000.00.

Portugal Final
EIT Food Innovation Prizes Competition
1st place financial supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.
Grant of € 5, 000.00.

Vencedores da 1ª Edição do Santander X Portugal Local Award 2022
Accelerate Category Winners – financial supported by Santander Foundation, December 2022.

Second edition of WomenTechEU supports 134 female-led deep-tech companies with an increased budget of 10 million euro.

Projeto No. C644915664-00000026 – Vertical Feed – PEP4Fish
RE-C05-i01.01 – Agendas/Alianças mobilizadoras para a Inovação Empresarial.

Transição Digital das Empresas Aviso N.º 10/C16-i02/2022 – Candidatura nº 1378
O projeto irá apoiar a digitalização industrial da linha produtiva.

Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência português
OakFood – PRR-C05-i03-I-000200
Valorização integrada da bolota como matéria-prima portuguesa para produtos alimentares diferenciadores.